About Us
Brainchild Institute is under the direction of Dr. Leah Light, who has extensive education and experience in the fields of Special Education, Audiology, Neuroscience, Educational Kinesiology, and Speech Pathology. Dr. Light specializes in the evaluation and treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders.
Brainchild Institute also helps with the following: Sensory Processing Disorders, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.

Welcome to The Brainchild Institute!
At Brainchild Institute (BCI) our mission is to help all children reach their full potential by identifying and treating the root of their challenges.
Dr. Light's mission is to improve listening, attention, and learning skills in children of all ages by addressing the whole child starting at the foundation of their brain development
Meet Dr. Leah Light
For the past 24 years, Dr. Light’s focus has been on neurodevelopmental audiology and Auditory Processing Disorders (APD). In addition, Dr. Light is a certified Core Specialist in the Masgutova Method (MNRI), a program for addressing retained primary reflexes, which are often at the root of communicative disorders and learning disabilities.